Friday, February 25, 2022

Did you like the Bridge on our site? Or did it confuse you?


The Bridge has left the site ...


So we had a website conversion specialist look over our site to see how a new visitor would react to it. We needed to do this because we want to expand our soap offerings and need all the help we can get (LOL!). The first thing they said (more than one specialist said this) was that the bridge was confusing in that it had no relavance to soap. They did see how it could convey a feeling of nostalgia, however (and that is why we had it). In any rate we did change the image to a more relevant content:

What do you think? We value your opinion greatly. Please let me know. Also we changed the format around a bit based on their recommendations. We have our best sellers of each group showing on front page, and we also categorized it much better. Thanks in advance for your input, we really appreciate it!



Len (the Old Whippernapper) & Kara


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35-31 Talcottville Road #234, Vernon, CT 06066

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